Cash is always king

Access to liquidity is a key factor for growth and your daily operational costs. Ideally, you want your supply chain to finance the costs on its own – collecting payments from customers before having to pay your suppliers, with optimal inventory levels. In reality, most of your cash gets stuck in credit lines or trapped in inventories.

Are you struggling to:

  • Pay your suppliers on time invoice on time and collect your cash from your customers
  • Reduce your inventory level
  • Measure the performance of the capital employed
  • Reconciliate your transport invoices based on the actuals

Unlock cash flows for value-added activities

Our working capital services are based on both supply chain and financial management. By developing cross-functional collaboration between services, inventory management, warehousing, distribution and transportation, we help you achieve service-cost balance. This can also potentially unlock enough liquidity for you to replace external financing. By incorporating buyer-supplier relationship management, our methodology ensures long-term and sustainable cash flow.

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